It takes about 9 months to complete the work for a 12 step study. There are separate study groups for men and women. The Celebrate Recovery Bible will be used by the group leader, although you may use any Bible. You need to purchase the following Participant Guides.
Stepping Out Of Denial
Participant’s Guide #1
Recovery is not an overnight phenomenon, but more like a journey. To start, we need to step out of denial and into God’s grace. This guide goes through the first three principles.
We need to first look at the toll that denial has had on our ability to face reality, and acknowledge that we are powerless against this struggle. We alone do not have the power to conquer this problem. In Principle 2, we find our hope in Jesus Christ, and how through Him we can recover and restore our sanity. Finally, in Principle 3, we take the action to turn our lives and our wills over to His care and direction.
Each lesson goes through the different aspects of the subject. For example, in the first lesson on denial, we have to admit that there is a problem, and realize all the negative things that have come about because of the problem. Then, the most important part of the lesson is where you get a chance to respond. This is a set of questions that really helps you make it personal, and shows you how to apply it to your own life. When answering these questions truthfully and from the heart, you can benefit the most from the lesson, and you are fully prepared to move on to the next lesson and closer towards recovery.
The participant guides are essential to the person in recovery to take part in because it makes everything personal.
Taking An Honest And Spiritual Inventory
Participant’s Guide #2
The purpose of Celebrate Recovery is to allow us to become free from life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits. By working through the eight principles of recovery based on the Beatitudes, we will begin to see the true peace and serenity that we have been seeking.
The first three principles were based on getting right with God. After working through the first three principles, you are now ready to begin the journey of getting right with yourself, which is Principles 4-5. After each lesson there is a chance to respond to what you went over. After completing a lesson, it often helps to share it with someone that you trust.
In Lesson 7, you list all the significant events that happened to you in your life, and look at how those affected you. Listing both the good and the bad, openly and honestly, will eventually prepare you for the task ahead. The next step helps you discover how to build your support team.
In recovery, one of the most important things is having a sponsor. Lesson 8 explains all the aspects of why you should have a sponsor, how to find one, and the role of a sponsor. Three main reasons in having a sponsor is because it is biblical, it is a key part of the recovery program, and it is the best way to guard against relapse.
Finally, we take an inventory of different people in your life, different events, and certain spiritual aspects of your life. This is the next step after establishing your support system. The purpose of these is to analyze the shortcomings that can prevent God from working effectively in our lives.
Getting Right With God
Participant’s Guide #3
By this time you are well on your way to recovery, and that is something to be proud of. First, you stepped out of denial and into God’s grace. Then, you continued your growth and completed the spiritual inventory, which took a lot of effort and courage.
After writing an inventory, we must deal with what we wrote. The first way to do that is to CONFESS our sins to God. We learn how we confess our sins to God, and instantly receive forgiveness. Then we need to admit our wrongs to another person. By doing this we gain healing that the Bible promises, we gain freedom, and we gain support. Next, we need to be entirely READY to have God remove our character defects. This lesson helps you to be willing to voluntarily submit to any and all changes God wants to make in your life. The good news is you can have VICTORY over your character defects. The acrostic of VICTORY takes you through the steps necessary to see this change in your life. The lesson on AMENDS helps you offer forgiveness to those who have hurt you and shows you how to make amends with those that you have hurt. Then learn the three types of forgiveness: accepting God’s forgiveness, forgiving others, and forgiving yourself. Finally, learn how to receive and model Jesus Christ’s freely given gift of grace.
After completing all seven lessons, you have taken a giant step towards getting right with God, yourself, and others. The last steps show you how to grow in Christ while helping others.
Growing In Christ
Participant’s Guide #4
After going through the first six principles, you are ready to “Grow in Christ While Helping Others.” Principle 7 is having a daily time with God for self-examination, Bible reading, and to know God and his will. Principle 8 is yielding everything to God in order to show others Christ’s love through your words and actions. The lessons in this guide are:
- Crossroads – explains how you are now at the crossroads of recovery, and the last remaining steps are much more than just maintenance steps
- Daily Inventory – shows how to do a Step 10 inventory. The key verse for this lesson is Mark 14:38: “Watch and pray that you do not fall into temptation. The spirit is indeed willing, but the body is weak.”
- Relapse – the best ways to prevent relapse is to follow the acrostic RELAPSE, that is outlined in this lesson
- Gratitude – maintaining an attitude of gratitude, towards God, others, your recovery, and your church
- Give – the divine paradox is what Principle 8 is about: “You can’t keep it unless you give it away.”
- Yes – say “yes” to service: be a sponsor, be an accountability partner, serve at Celebrate Recovery at your church
- Seven Reasons We Get Stuck – being familiar of how others can sometimes get stuck, so you can be effective as a sponsor.