
Welcome to our web site on recovery. You are welcome to join us every Wednesday night, there’s an option dinner at 5:30PM where you can meet others in their recovery journey, followed by worship at 6:30PM. At 7:00PM we have either a teaching lesson, or a testimony of a changed life. Our small groups start at 7:30PM, and they are gender and issue specific. After small groups end, we get together for dessert and a time of conversation.

Check out the list of recovery issues: Abuse Victim, Adult Child of Alcoholic, Alcohol, Anger, Codependency, Depression, Drugs, Financial, Food, Sexual.

Our small groups have trained leaders and rules to make it a safe place.

Your most thorough healing will be experienced in a 12 step study group, which are scheduled on days other than Wednesday night. A step study will last up to 9 months, and requires weekly homework assignments.

Expect God to build you into a new person through your recovery.